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  • Basic
    $ 9.99/ month
    10,000 Words/month
    • 500 words per input
    • Powerful AI humanizer
    • Basic Mode
    • 100% human content score
    • Built-in AI detectors
    • Totally undetectable outputs
  • Save 40%
    $ 29.99/ month
    Unlimited Words/month
    • Unlimited words per input
    • Powerful AI humanizer
    • Basic Mode
    • Standard Mode
    • Advanced Mode
    • 100% human content score
    • Built-in AI detectors
    • Undetectable rewriting
    • Plagiarism-free outputs
  • Pro
    $ 19.99/ month
    50,000 Words/month
    • 1000 words per input
    • Powerful AI humanizer
    • Basic Mode
    • Standard Mode
    • Advanced Mode
    • 100% human content score
    • Built-in AI detectors
    • Undetectable rewriting
    • Plagiarism-free outputs